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2024 인도 총선 결과 2024 India Election

by all4uforever 2024. 6. 6.


인도의 2024년 총선 결과에 대한 놀라운 결과

여섯 주간의 긴 투표 끝에, 인도의 2024년 총선은 놀라운 결과를 낳았습니다. 나렌드라 모디 총리는 인도의 역사에서 자와할랄 네루에 이어 두 번째로 연속 세 번째 임기를 맡게 되었으며, 이로써 드문 업적을 달성하게 되었습니다. 총 6억 4천만 표가 모두 집계된 결과, 모디의 인도국민당(BJP)과 그 동맹국들은 로크 사바(하원) 543석 중 283석을 확보하여 다수당을 형성했습니다. 그러나 BJP 자체는 240석만을 차지하여 2014년 이후 누려온 단독 다수당 지위를 잃게 되었습니다.

주요 내용:

1. 모디의 "400석 초과" 약속 실패:
   모디와 BJP는 국민민주동맹(NDA)과 함께 400석 이상을 목표로 했으나, BJP는 240석만을 얻었습니다. 이는 2019년의 303석에서 크게 감소한 것으로, 2002년 구자라트 주 총리 이후 항상 다수당을 유지해온 모디에게는 큰 후퇴입니다.

2. 우타르프라데시에서의 BJP 지지율 하락:
   인도의 인구가 가장 많은 주인 우타르프라데시는 80개의 의석을 가지고 있어 국가 선거에서 중요한 역할을 합니다. BJP는 이전 선거에서 각각 71석(2014년)과 62석(2019년)을 차지했으나, 이번 선거에서는 33석만을 확보했습니다. 특히 파이자바드 선거구에서 패배한 것은 큰 타격이었습니다.

3. 케랄라에서의 역사적인 승리:
   처음으로 BJP는 남부의 케랄라 주에서 의석을 차지했습니다. 수레시 고피가 트리수르 선거구에서 74,686표 차이로 승리했습니다. 이 전통적으로 좌파 성향이 강한 주에서의 승리는 기독교 공동체의 변화 가능성을 시사합니다.

4. 여성 유권자들의 모디 지지:
   전통적으로 인도국민회의(Congress)를 지지하던 여성 유권자들이 모디의 복지 정책에 매료되어 BJP로 표를 이동했습니다. 선거 전 조사에 따르면, 인도의 4억 7천 2백만 여성 유권자 중 46%가 BJP 연합을 지지할 것이라고 예측되었습니다. 이는 현금 지원, 무료 가스 제공, 수도 공급, 위생 등 여성 복지에 중점을 둔 모디의 정책 덕분입니다.

5. 감옥에서 당선된 논란의 인물들:
   두 명의 논란의 인물이 감옥에서 선거에 당선되었습니다. 펀자브의 시크교 분리주의 지도자인 암릿팔 싱과 인도 관할 카슈미르의 지도자인 셰이크 압둘 라시드가 각각 승리했습니다. 이들의 당선은 인도의 복잡하고 활기찬 민주주의를 보여줍니다.

이 결과는 인도의 정치 지형에 중요한 변화를 예고합니다. 모디는 단독 다수당 없이 통치해야 하는 새로운 도전에 직면하게 되었으며, BJP는 전통적으로 반대 세력이 강한 지역에서 예상치 못한 성과를 거두었습니다.


Unexpected Results of India’s 2024 General Election

India’s 2024 general election has concluded after six intense weeks of voting, yielding surprising outcomes. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set for a rare third consecutive term, joining Congress leader Jawaharlal Nehru as the only other prime minister to achieve this. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), along with its allies, secured a majority with 283 seats in the Lok Sabha, India’s 543 seat lower house of Parliament. However, the BJP alone garnered only 240 seats, falling short of the single-party majority it has held since 2014.

Major Highlights:

1. Modi Misses "400 Paar" Target:
   Modi and the BJP aimed to surpass 400 seats with their National Democratic Alliance (NDA) but managed only 240 seats. This marks a notable decline from the 303 seats won in 2019, indicating a significant electoral setback for Modi, who has consistently enjoyed a majority since his tenure as Gujarat's chief minister in 2002.

2. BJP's Decline in Uttar Pradesh:
   Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state, is pivotal in national elections with its 80 parliamentary seats. The BJP’s performance significantly dropped, securing only 33 seats compared to 71 in 2014 and 62 in 2019. The party notably lost in the Faizabad constituency, a central focus of its campaign.

3. Breakthrough in Kerala:
   For the first time, the BJP won a seat in Kerala, a traditionally left-leaning southern state. Suresh Gopi won the Thrissur constituency by a margin of 74,686 votes. This victory may signal a shift among Christian communities towards the BJP.

4. Women Voters Lean Towards Modi:
   Traditionally inclined towards Congress, women voters have shifted their support to the BJP, influenced by Modi’s welfare schemes that include cash handouts, free cooking gas, piped water, and improved sanitation. A pre-poll survey had predicted that 46% of India's 472 million women voters would support the BJP- led alliance.

5. Controversial Prison Winners:
   Two notable candidates won seats while imprisoned. Amritpal Singh, a Sikh separatist leader, won in Punjab, while Sheikh Abdul Rashid, a leader from Indian- administered Kashmir, won a seat by more than 200,000 votes. These victories underscore the complex and dynamic nature of India’s democracy.

These results signify a shift in India’s political landscape, with Modi facing new governance challenges without a single-party majority and the BJP making surprising gains in areas traditionally held by the opposition.