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"Dollar Tree Mulls Family Dollar Sale Amid Consumer Slump"

by all4uforever 2024. 6. 7.

       Dollar Tree (DLTR) has announced its consideration of either selling or spinning off Family Dollar amidst challenges stemming from subdued consumer demand. Sucharita Kodali, a Retail Analyst at Forrester Research, discusses consumer sentiment amidst ongoing inflationary pressures on Wealth!. Kodali highlights a paradox where despite prolonged consumer pessimism due to inflation, retail spending has surged, exceeding inflation rates. However, recent data suggests a decline in retail spending, indicating potential consumer exhaustion in discretionary spending.

       Kodali observes Walmart (WMT) and warehouse clubs thriving due to a consumer preference for value-oriented shopping. In contrast, Dollar Tree struggles due to saturation within the dollar store segment, necessitating store renovations and, possibly, relocations for improved performance. Kodali speculates that Dollar Tree's reluctance to invest in such enhancements could be driving its exploration of a potential sale.


달러 트리(DLTR)는 소비자 수요가 약화되는 가운데 패밀리 달러의 잠재적인 매각 또는 분할 출연을 고려 중이라고 공개했습니다. 포레스터 리서치 소매업 분석가 수차리타 코달리가 인플레이션 압력이 계속되는 가운데 소비자 상태를 논하기 위해 Wealth!에 참여합니다. 코달리는 "인플레이션이 유행하기 시작한 이래로 소비자들은 경제에 대해 정말로 좋지 않은 기분을 가지고 있었습니다... 그러나 아이러니하게도 소매 소비는 사실 인플레이션 수준을 넘어서고 그 이상으로 증가하고 있습니다."라며 최근 데이터는 소매 소비가 둔화되고 있음을 보여주며 이는 "소비자가 아마도 이러한 특히 이산 소비재에 대한 지출에 대해 포화 상태에 이른 것으로 보입니다."라고 말했습니다.

코달리는 월마트(WMT)와 대형 할인매장이 소비자들의 가치 중심적인 트렌드로 인해 성공적으로 운영되고 있다고 강조했습니다. 그러나 달러 트리는 달러 상점 세그먼트 내에서 포화로 인해 지연되고 있습니다. 그녀는 해당 체인의 매장이 더 나은 성과를 내기 위해 개조와 심지어 위치 변경이 필요할 것으로 지적합니다. 회사가 이러한 투자를 하기를 꺼리는 이유로 인해 잠재적인 매각을 탐구 중인 것으로 생각됩니다.